Wednesday, February 10, 2010


My Italian Stallion. Emily and I have been friends since freshman year. She was in my biology class and I hated her because Emily talked too much and asked dumb and unnecessary questions. But then one day we ended up at the same lunch table and the rest is history. Emily is the most drama free being you will meet. Contrary to my past belief, she is intelligent and talented. Blah blah. She also knows all of your secrets, but it's okay, she only tells me. We have been to see Lil Wayne and Blink 182 together. And we plan to see Animal Collective and Badfish and we have a whole list somewhere I just can't find it. My mom loves her more than she loves me, which is cool I guess. Emily helps me rationalize situations and put them in perspective. I usually have these long elaborate plans of how I'm going to solve my problems, but she finds the obvious easy one. Emily is a tough cookie. Even though I hate that expression. I love her.


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