Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I cry like every day, but I've realized I love crying. I cry when I see a kid hug her dad, I cried when I heard this song on the radio earlier, not because it's sad or it touched me, it's just SO GOOD. I cry watching MTV and whenever I have to tell Bailee good bye. This is so weird to me because I used to NEVER cry. I mean never. But now I love it.

So I'm gonna move to San Francisco in like two weeks, I'm gonna buy a bike and a longboard eventually. I'm gonna finish dumb online high school and I'm gonna baby sit to make some money before I can get a real job. And I'm gonna turn on all the tvs in the house and the radios and computers and talk on the phone so I'm not lonely. I've discovered the cure and it is an on/off switch. And when I get sad I'll listen to tubthumping by chumbawumba (i get knocked down...but I get up again....)

AND I'm gonna write all of my penpals. I have like twenty.

This will be my little family on the MUNI on Halloweeney one day :

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